Where We Belong Sun, 27th January, 2013
What's on my mind and heart this morning is the joy of friendships, and I am blessed with many beautiful ones. The past week has been one that began with a heart-warming gathering of friends for a drink (or two) to mark the occasion of my 46th birthday. Many people asked if it was a milestone birthday, since there was the air of festivity. I replied that I was just in the mood to celebrate. On further reflection, this mood is a result of my having opened myself to new friendships and having found new joy in old ones. I wanted to surround myself with the loving presence of specific people who have great meaning for my life at this moment.
The week ended yesterday with two beautiful encounters with beloved community. The headmistress of the Montessori school that Owen and Meredith attended invited us to a Bengali high tea at her home. She has been such a source of inspiration, giving completely of herself in the nurturing of our children. She has created a beautiful and loving community in that school and I'm grateful to have been a part of that, and I'm grateful that we are able to continue our connections and imbibe the best of Indian culture.
Then the second encounter with community came in the church midwinter congregational meeting last night, where I had the pleasure of making music with my wife and dear friends in our little AcUUstics folk group. We sang, among other things, Bridge Over Troubled Water. I think, more important, we are living the covenant that this old song invokes when we take the time to work and sing and laugh and share food together. It was appropriate for my own spiritual journey that we adopted and spoke out loud a new covenant among the members of our church community: the essence of it is that we will not agree on many things but that we agree to be welcoming to all and to walk together in this journey of life with love and listening.
Over the past few weeks my meditations, both still and walking, have led me to reflect on the idea of rootedness. I have been marveling at the striking beauty and strength of tree roots. How they reach out in all directions, reaching deep into the earth which sustains them, connecting earth and sky. Friendships and living in community likewise sustain us, giving us what we need to live and giving us the strength to grow tall and wide in a network of mutuality.
You can see my collection of rootedness images by clicking on the image to the right. Perhaps while doing so, you may wish to reflect on the relationships that anchor you.
May all enjoy the blessings of friendships and rootedness.