Protection of the Circle Sun, 24th March, 2013
Welcome to another new week, starting with a clean slate of new-fallen spring snow. This past week for me has been a fresh start in terms of deepening many relationships in my circle of friends, work friends and family.
I started the week deepening my connection with Thomas and Amy, as we celebrated St Patrick's day with a modest celebration at their home. There I got to know one of our newest church members, Ian, as well as enjoying time with my own family.
Then it was off to spend much of the week in New York and suburban New Jersey on business. But this wasn't the typical trip to pitch new business. Rather, it was an opportunity to meet with a full team of folks from my largest client at the same time as the full service team from my company that serves this client on a daily basis.
Nearly all in both groups are people whom I had never met in person, or rarely ever see. It was such a heart-warming experience to see faces and shake hands and even hug. Human connections are never complete without physical presence—seeing their smiles, their body language, looking into their eyes. Only now can I say we are truly in relationship.
I finished the week on a peaceful weekend retreat with Betsy and the kids, enjoying a quiet country cabin in Maries County, Missouri. Walking with my wife, making origami boats with my daughter, and taking a more vigorous hike with my son were all beautiful opportunities to renew deeper connections by simply being present to each other—an occurrence that unfortunately is all too rare.
During both experiences, I had with me the little book Meditations With The Cherokee, by J. T. Garrett. As I enjoyed early morning meditations during sunrise last week, I focused on the direction of East, which symbolizes both new beginnings and the circle of family and friends with whom life is shared and celebrated.
In the words of Garrett: "A certain freedom occurs in a family or group of friends who experience a sense of belonging and unity. This becomes a protection while you are on a spiritual journey. Any activity focused on sharing and connection satisfies our natural sense of fulfillment."
I have certainly experienced this to be true, noticing that my confidence and ability to succeed on many fronts is due to the strength I draw from this circle.
I hope that your life equally will be lived amid the sustaining, meaningful connections of your own inner circle.