I Don't Want to Feel Like a Tree Sun, 23rd March, 2014
I don't want to feel like a tree.
My arms would ache holding up so much sky.
Fingers rigid pointing south and west
Could never lace my fingers among yours and caress your face.
I don't want to feel like a tree,
Tall and still, I would suit the stray cardinal or crow for perching,
But some days uprightedness melts into a worshipful pose
As I gaze earthward into blue eyes in a sea of green grass.
Not content to merely sway in someone else's breeze.
Let me dance and leap, embracing first sky then earth then you.
Let my feet be lashed not to soil and rock
But to the stirring winds that carry me back to the place where your arms await.
No, I don't want to feel like a tree,
With rough hewn armor that protects tender secrets.
Let me feel your fingers trace a path on my ticklish skin,
Reaching through me to hold my quivering heart.