Rolling Away the Stone Sun, 20th April, 2014
This Easter morning, I'm thinking of renewal—not just of the earth, the trees and bunnies and flowers—but of the soul itself. There is something in spring that rightly makes us want to be alive again, coming out at last from winter's introspection.
Today I will share my favorite Easter reading, by Sara Moores Campbell. It speaks of the need to open ourselves to the light of new possibilities.
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Rolling Away the Stone
In the tomb of the soul, we carry secret yearnings, pains, frustrations, loneliness, fears, regrets, worries. In the tomb of the soul, we take refuge from the world and its heaviness.
In the tomb of the soul, we wrap ourselves in the security of darkness.
Sometimes this is a comfort. Sometimes it is an escape.
Sometimes it prepares us for experience. Sometimes it insulates us from life.
Sometimes this tomb-life gives us time to feel the pain of the world and reach out to heal others. Sometimes it numbs us and locks us up with our own concerns.
In this season where light and dark balance the day, we seek balance for ourselves.
Grateful for the darkness that has nourished us, we push away the stone and invite the light to awaken us to the possibilities within us and among us—possibilities for new life in ourselves and in our world.
—Sara Moores Campbell